Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Art & Design
Welcome to the Art Department. Here at Movilla High School we aim to develop students' understanding and appreciation of the visual arts. In the Art department we actively encourage self-expression and creativity. Students learn a wide variety of transferable skills, such as time management, problem solving and the ability to work with others. Qualities that are essential for the modern world.
Mrs A O'Connor (HoD)
Miss L Gartland
S Cara
Welcome to the Art Department. Here at Movilla High School we aim to develop students' understanding and appreciation of the visual arts. In the Art department we actively encourage self-expression and creativity. Students learn a wide variety of transferable skills, such as time management, problem solving and the ability to work with others, qualities that are essential for the modern world.
Students will have the opportunity to develop 2D skills which include; drawing, painting, soft pastel and oil pastels, collage, printmaking. They will also be able to explore various methods of 3D construction using wire, Paper Mache and found objects. They will explore a variety of themes linked to the work of both contemporary and historical artists, both international and local.

At KS4 students are timetabled for 4 lessons per week and will further develop the skills they experienced at KS3.
The course comprises 2 elements.
● The Core Portfolio
● Working to Stimulus
The Core Portfolio (60%)
Part A is an exploratory project that is designed to allow students to experience and experiment with a wide variety of materials and processes. During this time students will sample a variety of painting and drawing styles using a variety of media. Students will all follow a set theme but are encouraged to begin to develop their own ideas and personalise their projects.
Part B is a commission-based project. Students will therefore be given a starting point from which they develop their own project and final outcome. Students are encouraged to develop their own ideas with support and guidance from their teacher. They will have a weekly tutorial to discuss ideas and plan the next piece of work and research.
Working to a Stimulus (40%)
This component is set by CCEA. Students have 3 months to develop a project around the exam stimulus provided. Like in the coursework element, students will be supported in their research and ideas as they progress towards their final outcome. The Final outcome wil be completed during a 10 hour period.
GCSE afterschool support
KS3 afterschool Art and Craft club