Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Your first contact with the school should be with the Registration Teachers who will ensure that matters will be addressed with relevant staff.
Whether you contact us by phone (02891 812079) or report in person to reception, your inquiry will be dealt with initially by Mrs Adams, Mrs Summerville or Mrs Maguire. These members of the school administration staff will guide you as necessary to the person best suited to deal with your query.
The Heads of Year, Registration teachers, Vice Principal and Principal are available by appointment. Please contact the office if you feel you need to discuss an issue with them
Heads of Year
Mr S Heanue Year 8
Mr C Hewitt Year 9
Mrs M Mills Year 10
Mr Dolan Year 11
Miss Gartland/Mr Toner Year 12
If you have a Child Protection concern
Designated Teacher
Mrs R Browne
Designated Governor
Rev S Doherty
Designated Team members
Mr D Mercer (Deputy Designated Teacher)
Dr C Greer (Principal)
Pastoral Support Policies
For further information on how you can communicate with the school, please refer to any of the following documents:
Parental Communication Policy ( Sept 2019)
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy ( Sept 2020) and Addendum (Jan 2021)
Intimate Care Policy ( Sept 2019)
eSafety Policy (Sept 2020)
Behaviour for Learning Policy ( Sept 2019)