Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

Departmental Aims
To stimulate an interest and an enjoyment of music, both inside and outside the classroom.
To enable pupils to be familiar with and confident in the theoretical and practical side of music.
To give pupils experiences of playing a wide variety of musical instruments, including keyboards, ukelele, guitar, drums and other percussion instruments.
To give pupils an opportunity to take part in composing, performing, and listening to music.
To employ teaching methods and resources that allow all pupils (irrespective of their gender or academic ability) to have equal access to music and to experience success and enjoyment in their music work.
Miss Cairns (Head of Department)
The Music Department comprises a main teaching room with practice facilities and is situated in the Main Administrative block, the bulk of musical activities taking place in Music Room 1. There is also access to a large practice room which is given over to instrumental tuition and as a rehearsal space. The teaching room is equipped with a percussion trolley, pianos, guitars (acoustic, electric, and bass), keyboards and digital drum machines.

Years 8 -10
Music is a compulsory subject, which they have for one period a week.
Years 11 -12
Music is an Option Choice for GCSE pupils with option to study:
GCSE Performing Arts (Level 2 Vocational GCSE)
GCSE Music (Level 2 Applied GCSE)
Extra Curricular Provision
Pupils are encouraged to view the enrichment and extra-curricular activities as a platform where their skills, can be extended and widened in a more relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Movilla High School Music Department, at present offers the following to pupils:
Staffed By
Staffed by Miss Cairns
Instrument Lessons
Staffed by The Musician’s Academy
All pupils are encouraged to take an interest in joining the choir. Choir rehearsals take place in Music Room 1after school on a Monday from 3 – 4pm.
The choir often take part in the school’s annual Achievement Evening, the school’s Open Evening and the Carol Services. Additionally, a number of invitation performances at Christmas are undertaken, as are visits to disadvantaged and retirement groups and clubs.
Musical Society
It is the hope of Miss Cairns that in the next 3 years, the school will develop a renewed interest in the school’s Musical Society.
Talent Show
Pupils are encouraged to take part in the School Talent Contest in the Spring Term. This gives pupils an opportunity to demonstrate skills that they are developing in clubs and societies outside of the school setting. This is a joint venture with the Drama Department.
Instrumental Lessons
Lessons will be provided during school on parental request by professional staff if sufficient pupil numbers make the provision viable. The school is working with The Musician’s Academy this year. The Musician’s Academy is providing tuition in drums, guitar, bass guitar, piano, violin and singing.
Pupils can be entered for Graded exams by the various Awarding Authorities (ABRSM, Trinity, Rock School etc) and are encouraged to perform at school concerts.