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Movilla High School

Latest News

YEAR 12 EDUCATION RE-START @ Movilla High School

1. Return to school dates

Year 12 pupils will return to school on Monday 22 March 2021 from 8.45am.

There will be no Registration time on Monday and they should make their way straight to the Assembly Hall.

A Year 12 assembly will outline the GCSE awarding process, work ethic and safety procedures. Mental Health and Wellbeing facilitators will also be on site for further sessions during the week.


From Tuesday 23 March, pupils going to normal Registration class should enter the campus via the Main Gate, turn left and go through the PE gates.

Parents should be aware that we are continuing to provide supervised learning for up to 30 pupils during the week. This group will operate in a separate bubble arrangement from Year 12 pupils.


Parents are advised that Parking on the Abbey Road will only be permitted in the areas not marked with double yellow lines or as areas for Buses. The tar-mac area on the Abbey Road will be OPEN from 8.30am until 3.45pm.

School buses will operate as normal during this week. Pupils are reminded that they must wear face coverings on all Translink services.


The “Movilla Safe” protocols have been revised as a direct result of an updated risk assessment Its contents remain non-negotiable and pupils risk exclusion if their behaviours or non-compliance to the ‘Movilla Safe’ code are deemed by staff to be unacceptable. In such cases, pupils will have to be collected from school and returned to your care until a process of further reinforcement of procedures is completed.


Pupils are not required to wear full school uniform in the week 22-26 March 2021.

Guidelines on what is acceptable in terms of jewellery, nails, piercings, face and eye make-up remain unchanged.

Pupils should take appropriate action to ensure that irregular hair colourings are dyed out and that additional piercings or artificial nails are removed.

6. WEARING OF FACE COVERINGS (New arrangements)

Following guidance from the Minister of Education, all pupils will wear a face mask:

· In all school buildings, throughout the day. This includes classrooms and corridors and at break and lunchtimes (except when eating or drinking)

· Outside of school buildings (Break and Lunchtimes & movement between classes) if they are within 2m of either staff or other pupils (Social Distancing guidelines). This is especially important at Break or Lunchtime if pupils gather together closer than 2m.


The risk of infection remains high and the school will continue to do everything it can to ensure pupil and staff safety.

A number of staff members (like some pupils) care for elderly or vulnerable family members and will be extra particular about classroom routines, sanitisation and face-mask wearing. During this week, many staff will also be supporting their own children’s home learning while also face-to-face teaching on site.

The Minister of Education has outlined that schools will be supporting pupils and staff in administering self-test kits (for twice weekly testing) from 22 March. As the matter has not been clarified by the Executive at the time of writing, there is no further detail which can be given.


Pupils should be kept at home if they or anyone within the household is displaying symptoms of COVID-19, or if otherwise advised to by the school or another appropriate Body (GP or StopCovid NITrack and Trace)

Your child will be temperature checked upon entering the school campus.

Any child feeling unwell with Covid-19 symptoms during the school day will be sent to one of two isolation rooms with an appropriate adult. Full PPE of apron, mask, visor and gloves will be worn by first-aiders. Parents will be called to come to collect their child and must seek medical intervention as a matter of urgency. The school should be contacted as soon as possible with the outcome of any medical examination and especially if a positive COVID-19 diagnosis is made.

We look forward to meeting all our Year 12 pupils and being able to help them maximise their potential for the future.

Kind regards




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